Enabling style rules
Once the additional fields to store the checklist progress (100% (6/6)) and the checklist completion (Yes or Empty) are created, you can use them to enable style rules. For example, you can use the checklist completion field to change the color of the card to green when the checklist is completed (checklist completion = yes).
To enable style rules, go to the board and click on the Settings icon.
Click on the Styles tab and then click on + Styling rule.
Type a name for the rule.
Select the color/style for the card when the rule is matched.
Under the rule criteria section add a new rule.
Select the field that persists the checklist completion (in the example below it is DoD Completion, but make sure you’re going to select the field you have created for this purpose).
Select the operator =.
Select the value True.
Hit Save and close.
All cards on the board where the checklist has been completed will be changed to green.
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