In this step similar ideas can be grouped.
Only the facilitator can group ideas.
Drag and drop an idea over another one to group.
The target idea, after the drag and drop process will hold the merged the text.
In this step participants can vote on ideas.
Votes are anonymous and you cannot see other participants votes.
Click over the thumbs up icon to vote. Click again to un-vote.
In this step the team discuss the most voted ideas and add action items to adress/improve them.
The most voted ideas are in the top of the list.
Only the facilitator can add action items.
Type the description of the action item and click add to create a new one.
Action items are standard items in Monday.com. New action items are added to the current board.
In this step the summary is displayed with the key information regarding the retrospective.
The facilitator can click on 'Finish' to complete the retrospective session.
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